Hold On to Summer…

Don’t Let That Tan Slip Away Just Yet

The dog days of summer are about to wag their tail for one last spin. But you’re not quite ready to fly out of the house in those slammin’ new boots and you certainly don’t want to flaunt those paling bare legs.

The dog days of summer are about to wag their tail for one last spin. But you’re not quite ready to fly out of the house in those slammin’ new boots and you certainly don’t want to flaunt those paling bare legs.

So what’s a stylin’ thang like you to do???

Glide on some BeneFit Flamingo Fancy Shimmering Body Slip. It’s a faux bronzage in a bottle!

The moisturizing sesame oil and gingery scented tropical treat adds ample bronze sparkle to an otherwise dulling existence. Did I hear someone say, resume?

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