How To Get Camera Ready For Video + Headshots: Authentic Branding Photo and Video Tips:

Camera Ready Social Media and Authentic Branding Photo and Video Tips to look amazing on video and in headshots so you can be a swipe right brand and attract your ideal audience.

In today’s crowded entrepreneurial market, it’s critical for you to be a Personality Brand to stand out and be magnetic to your most profitable clients.

People connect with real people. In a digital world that starts with your headshots and videos.

I cracked the code on getting in front of the camera and my business exploded!  Now I’m going to help you get more business aligned with the real you.

There’s a ton of free branding photo and video tips content here on the blog but if you are serious about being known as personality brand…

Join me at The 5-Day Mini Course Is Free!

If you know you can do more with video if you only knew the frameworks, I’ve got you covered! Hop over to and you can learn how to start scaling with video today!

Is The Fear Of Change Why You Are Still Holding On? [Video]

Are you holding on to the wrong things in your business because of the fear of change? Let’s use clothing as an easy analogy. Holding on because of fear of change can definitely be debilitating for any business growth. Yet holding on does have it's merits... I started thinking about holding on to things you love for the right reasons in different aspects of life and business. About holding on to things because you're just used to holding on and you are afraid of change and when to let go. So, let's use my sweater as an analogy today now that I've rediscovered it. Watch my recent live video to hear more: A lot of times, especially in style because

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[True Confession] What’s in a brand name?

Perception...In all honesty I was thinking about changing my instagram handle from @focusonstyle to my name, Sharon Haver.I started to feel like after 2O years online and having a syndicated newspaper column that went out to 400 papers with that name before it, it was time for change.Not necessarily just for me…But because the word “style” seems to REPEL a certain audience and ATTRACT another. (Don’t even get me started about what some people think about real stylists.)Yet STYLE is your FINGERPRINT in everything you do and how you are perceived.It’s not just fashion, beauty, home, brand, business, but style is your vibe… your individuality… your essence.WHAT DOES STYLE MEAN TO YOU?Granted I’m using my MARKETING brain more openly but

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Client Attraction: When They’re Not Your Raving Fans [Video]

When they’re NOT your raving fan…Went to a concert last night and it got me thinking what happens when you’re in front of your wrong audience.The rest of the audience, just me. I was miserable but not the other 18,000ish people there.That’s because they were raving fans and I’d rather escape to record this video for you.What’s key to client attraction is that everyone doesn’t have to like you- that’s how you draw a line in the sand to who your best audience is and who they are not.It’s a good thing.Watch the video and let me know what your favorite music is in the comment.If you need help in authentically attracting your most aligned audience, I can probably help

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The Best Way To Promote On Social Media Without Being Salesy? [Video]

What's the best way you can promote on social media without being salesy? Celebrity Hack Ahead: Are you afraid to reveal too much personal info or be hardcore selling on social media? If you are, you’re right on both. Here’s the thing, people come to social media to be social. So if your feed looks like a classified ad with zero character, no one will pay attention. Conversely, if you have a bad case of TMI and are over-sharing personal details, if you’re not talking to real friends, no one really cares. But there is a golden mix! I started to observe the feeds of celebrities who also have products. People like Bethenny Frankel and Kim Kardashian. Here's what I

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How Branding Is Like Your Favorite Old Boots [Video]

Are you a shoe lover too? Stay with me and you'll see how old boots are a lot like your business.Did you ever have a favorite pair that you loved so much but you knew it was time to put rest?Check out my bad mamajama high heel western boots that I rocked while pushing my son's stroller- about 19 OMG years ago.In Europe, the style is peeking its way back on trend so I decided to dig them out of the closet and rock them a different way today.Style is cyclical.Pretty much: something becomes "the" thing, it gets overdone so it fades away until, in due time, comes back in a similar tweaked way that appears fresh to your eyes.Same

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You Have The Power To Be True To You

I’m going to get frank… does this resonate with you or someone you know?? I’m afraid. I’m scared. I’m not worthy. What if….? Little stabs against your self worth, little punctures of your strength… inflicted by your own hand. I see so many women coaches, entrepreneurs, business owners— many younger— who have personally taken their own power away. They’re so afraid to get out there. So afraid to simply just be themselves that they have paralyzed themselves from ever rising to their goals. Yesterday was a weird juxtaposition… I was speaking with a women who was traumatized to show up as her brand- full of excuses and fears that she was making herself sick from the emotions involved in hiding.

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What’s Good About Haters… [Video]

We get so worried when we get whackos and haters online.But the truth is, if you’re not getting some cross dialogue once in a while, you are probably not putting your message out there in the most efficient way.Watch this video to learn why haters are a good thing and what you should do when they’re not: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharon Haver▪️Modern Business (@focusonstyle) What about when people sound off?When someone doesn’t like what you say it’s because you struck a nerve with them. That’s a good thing.It means you are speaking to your niche.There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate that ends up in agreeing to disagree. However, when it gets nasty, belligerent,

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The Hidden Costs Of Speaking Vs. Online Marketing? [Video]

Is Speaking right for you? Let's get real on speaking vs. digital. Okay, fess up... are you a little afraid of the online world? Do you think public speaking is a better choice because you're not that techie? Maaaaybe not so much. Listen as I share some numbers and expenses and where the rewards and targeted results come from. You may be surprised. I meet so many women entrepreneurs and coaches who totally buy into the 'speaking thing' without realizing the hidden costs... emotional, physical, and monetary from pursuing the dream. The results are not nearly as targeted (unless you can sell ice to an Eskimo) and you end up in a viscous circle of maybe the next one will

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Are you turning off the people you want to attract by living your best life? [Video]

Question: Is living your social media “best life” turning away perspective clients? Is your best life ever giving people the wrong perception of who you really are? So you just get unnoticed and stuck in that big scroll by  'cause you lost your true identity? Food for thought, for sure! Watch this video to see how living your best life can be harming your business: What I see happening— and granted obviously I'm a different generation— is a lot of people to put forth their best life ever by manufacturing concocted situations that represent freedom, luxury, travel, all with a perfect blowout and cute thing while gallivanted on a remote beach to show how cool they want you to believe

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Is Perfectionism Killing Your Brand [Video]

Is Perfectionism Killing Your Brand? I bet you care about how you come across, right? We all do. We all should. But you don't want to get so sanitized that you blend in. I was looking for someone who told me to look for her post on Instagram, it's someone that we're going to be working with. And in full transparency, as I was scrolling down Instagram, I couldn't find her. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not for not looking for her, but I couldn't find her because she looked like so many other people in that particular niche. That's like brand death! Now this "perfectionist" image is not coming from a bad place. It's that they're trying to be perfect on camera. 📸

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Time for new photos? Hear what Gary Vaynerchuk thinks about personal branding photo shoots…

Wondering about a personal branding shoot? I asked Gary Vaynerchuk what he thought about them…⁠ “It's one big game of insecurity. People are not willing to be themselves.”⁠ There you go. Case closed.⁠ Consider this a Public Service Announcement so you don’t get overwhelmed with some fancy-schamcy branding shoot that only dilutes the real you from from the people you want to attract and do business with.⁠ Earlier, Gary said that you can “call personal branding reputation, same ”⁠ Think about it.⁠ That’s all I got… watch the video.⁠... it could be the most important 39 seconds you'll see today. Thoughts from Gary Vaynerchuk who is probably the King of All Social Media. Love him for cutting through the crud.⁠ Listen up:

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Client Attraction 101: Lessons Learned From The Dog Park [Video]

If you made client attraction as easy as dogs playing, life would be grand! Attention all animal lovers: don't you love how they don't obsess, but just do?! Mr. Poodle and I paid morning visit to the dog park and I couldn't help but notice how the puppy playing patters were so similar to your client attraction and brand building. Watch the video to hear me out... The dogs pre-determine who they want to play with. They select the pooches who are their type and ignore the others. Not much different than how clients, customers, and followers decide if they will listen to you, buy from you, or just past you by. Isn't that what client attraction is about? I'd

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Social Media Review Time: Instagram or Facebook?

Social Media Decision
I got snoopy on our social media review and here's what I discovered ...But first, are you avoiding the social media decision that could help your business grow? What is the difference between Facebook and Instagram?Inquiring minds want to know so let’s review the difference between Facebook and Instagram to grow your business. I wasn’t sure myself so I began to checkup on our social media engagement.Whoosh. There is an obvious difference at first glance. My totally snoopy observations revealed some glaring clues.Watch my Live Video: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sharon Haver▪️Modern Business (@focusonstyle) Now this isn’t scientific it’s a merely general observation right now.But I think it can help you because I've noticed the shift. I've noticed a

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