align your brand

What Not To Wear On Camera + How To Fix It [Video]

What Not to Wear on Camera, TV, Video, Headshots and Selfies
What Not To Wear On Camera (Includes a very bad example of me!) Probably the most popular style question I get from entrepreneurs and coaches is what to wear and what not to wear on camera. It really depended on the camera (phone, still, video, TV), your angle, how you are positioned, and the crop. One would think that with 15 years of pro stylist experience I would ALWAYS get it right. One would be kinda sorta close to the truth, sometimes. Here’s the thing: what looks good in person doesn’t always look good on camera, let alone on video or iPhone. Watch to see how my outfit goes from looking terrible to looking great, and why. Now the best

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Attraction Marketing: How to align yourself with your best clients [Video]

We're All Unique. How to Attract Exactly Who You Want to Attract
If you feel that you are not being magnetic to the kind of clients, followers, and tribe you want, attraction marketing may really help you out.Through the years I’ve heard so small business owners and service providers getting nutty about attraction and making such a big deal over something that is actually pretty simple. Here’s why...Attraction marketing or attraction branding is a really basic premise: Birds of a feather flock together. If you want to be relevant and believable for the audience that you're trying to reach, then you have to walk the walk and look the part. Perception is everything...That doesn't mean that you need to be wearing crazy expensive clothes while driving in a Rolls Royce holding on to your diamond

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