
Sure the “Big Why” Is Critical To Your Message, But Don’t Neglect The ‘Where”

Finding your "Big Why" is typically the first step in your marketing and starting up your business as it's those very reasons that will keep you going when things get complicated. Knowing the "why" makes perfect sense to set the path to share your message (your "what") with the kind of audience you want to attract (your "who"). But what so many business coaches and entrepreneurs greatly overlook is YOUR BIG WHERE. In today's visual world where authenticity trumps staged and make-believe settings.  So where you actually take your photos or shoot your videos really matters when you want to connect with your tribe as a legitimate, trustworthy, and down-to-earth (albeit aspirational) authority in your field. That's exactly why I

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Video + Photo Tips: Your background counts + plus, what’s the ONE word?

The set and setting of how you position yourself in a headshot or video is super important. You don't want your background to distract from you and you certainly want it to instantly convey the right image of who you are. So, you know when I shoot a live video in my hotel room with an unmade bed behind me and a pile of junk that's it to demonstrate how NOT to do this yourself. I shot this right before I left to speak at a live event in North Carolina this weekend. You can watch a livestream of my talk, here. So, what is the one word you want people to think of when they describe you? More Video +

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