stand out

Design Matters: How To Pop In Your Feed So You Don’t Go Unnoticed [Video]

How to pop so you don’t go unnoticed in your feed... Yawn, another swipe by! All that hard work doesn’t pay off if nobody notices you. So many business owners are absorbed by their content that they ignore what makes it stand out. Watch to learn why design matters and the key steps to be noticed in your social media feed... Being a pattern interrupt in the overcrowded social media feed. You don’t need to dress in clown costume or make a crazy face to get noticed. Just find backgrounds that catch the eye. Next time you’re somewhere interesting, use it towards your advantage. Go to my free course at and you’ll get a kickstart on how to stay

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How To Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Without Stressing Out

TEXT BLOCK You want to earn more money so you can live the life others dream about.... Stressing out about it will only hold you back. Begin by breaking out of your comfort zone and leave behind the old, stuck habits. We’ve all been guilty of getting stuck in old habits. Thinking that this worked before, so it should work now..... That’s your rigid mind playing tricks on you and trying to convince you to stay in its comfort zone. I get it. I like what I like too. When my son was young, I wanted to give him those extra things in life to become a well-rounded kid. My husband and I started taking our son to Jackson years

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How You Show Up Doesn’t Just Mean Arriving – It’s How You Make A First Impression [Video]

First Impression
Do you have what you need to SHOW UP, STAND OUT and make a FIRST IMPRESSION? No one wants to be stuck on the sidelines. Out of sight, out of mind, out of business. Are you stuck there now? Do you know why? This could be the reason. If you just half-commit to your arrival, to your business, to your online persona, then you'll be lost in the masses. It's all about your grand entrance! How are you showing up? Do you just casually arrive, maybe wave to a few people you know, and just HOPE things come your way? You need to make a scene, a statement, a revolution. (Just For The Record: Not like the crazy cat lady

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How To Get In Alignment With Who You Are To Get The Results You Want With Iconic Moments [Video]

You know something’s off but not sure what it is… You know you need to get in alignment with who you are to get the results you want... But getting out there and stepping up can be confusing and scary... Don’t worry, here’s… What you can do to STOP hiding and BE the face of your brand! I was there once. I hid behind my business and didn’t represent because I was insecure and scared to be vulnerable. Truth be told, it was because the climate back in 1999 when I founded was not about personal brands but more about online magazines. Ironic, since the site developed from my personal style advice column that was distributed to 400 newspapers.

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Are branding photos the best way to connect with your audience? [Video]

How do you balance your brand imaging? It isn't always 50/50. Who doesn't love easy math? This equation only has three parts: 80, 20 and YOU. When it comes to your online photos, 80 percent of the time you want to bring the every day you. The other 20 percent, feel free to tszuj it up! The most important part of the equation is you. You bringing yourself to the table. Whether it's an everyday look or all Glam and Glitter - we still should see you every time. That's who we're here for! Let's chat, do that super easy math with me!   Don't be scared of showing your regular style, but don't be scared of the higher billed

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Why you may be getting overlooked online and how to fix that [Video]

Do you wonder why you’re not getting noticed online? This could be the reason... As fun as it is to do big brand fancy photo shoots, this isn’t the best way to represent yourself. Why? Because people aren’t connecting with you as a REAL person! People relate to real people, and if you’re posting the same picture all over the place people zone out! We get exhausted from seeing the same photo over and over again. Or the same three photos, for that matter. But if they’re all from the *same* photo shoot they all start to look alike and people don’t see it anymore. The worst part? They don’t see YOU! WATCH to see how to avoid your photos

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Nail Salon Wisdom: Customer Expectations and How To Realistically Exceed Them + Lovely New York Fountain

Yup, it can be done. My manicurist did! I had a lightbulb moment while getting my usual mani pedi at a new local nail salon-- my favorite place closed so I’ve been trying to find a spot that I like just as much. Unfortunately, until now my customer expectations have been hard to match. If you know me, I have really crumby nails, always have always will -- and just like that a nail salon wisdom popped into my head that you can use in running your business. So let's talk about exceeding realistic customer expectations. Watch my Live Video: How my manicurist exceeded my expectations with ballerina pink nails! Sometimes you make expectations and I know a lot of

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How to add gazpacho in your sales strategy – that one ingredient to make it happen! [video]

Gazpacho has tomatoes (or in this sexy version avocados), what does your sales strategy have that makes it stand out? While hubbs and I are eating at the Guggenheim Museum, something out of the norm came into my head and it has something to do with a crazy sexy version of gazpacho that’s made from avocado. So, this is how it goes… When you’re doing sales and when you’re promoting your business or you have a client or you have a program just like I do or like anyone else does, you always wanna get more, you always wanna give more and give in your best stuff. Usually it happens during a one on one with a business coach where

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How To Make Your Outfit Pop! [Quick Tips Video]

Tzuj it up to make your outfit pop with standout style! When you want your outfit to stand out, it's the little things that make the biggest impact. Look for interesting, edgy and cool pieces that can accent your otherwise normal outfits. The little details make the biggest difference. And you don't have to go out of your way to be over the top crazy or trendy. It's all about fitting in the CHIC Edge to transform your look into being uniquely YOU. Try it out and make sure to keep an eye out for interesting items the next time you go shopping!  If you want to amp your chic, don't forget to claim your free copy of the 4

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