women who lead

You Have The Power To Be True To You

I’m going to get frank… does this resonate with you or someone you know?? I’m afraid. I’m scared. I’m not worthy. What if….? Little stabs against your self worth, little punctures of your strength… inflicted by your own hand. I see so many women coaches, entrepreneurs, business owners— many younger— who have personally taken their own power away. They’re so afraid to get out there. So afraid to simply just be themselves that they have paralyzed themselves from ever rising to their goals. Yesterday was a weird juxtaposition… I was speaking with a women who was traumatized to show up as her brand- full of excuses and fears that she was making herself sick from the emotions involved in hiding.

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The Hidden Costs Of Speaking Vs. Online Marketing? [Video]

Is Speaking right for you? Let's get real on speaking vs. digital. Okay, fess up... are you a little afraid of the online world? Do you think public speaking is a better choice because you're not that techie? Maaaaybe not so much. Listen as I share some numbers and expenses and where the rewards and targeted results come from. You may be surprised. I meet so many women entrepreneurs and coaches who totally buy into the 'speaking thing' without realizing the hidden costs... emotional, physical, and monetary from pursuing the dream. The results are not nearly as targeted (unless you can sell ice to an Eskimo) and you end up in a viscous circle of maybe the next one will

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