christmas party clothing


What to wear to the office Christmas party- dresses from Bloomingdales
Update: Bet you've come from a search engine to read FocusOnStyle dress tips on what to wear to an office Christmas party to get it right! WE'VE UPDATED THIS ARCHIVE STORY WITH A NEW VIDEO over at What to Wear to an Office Holiday Party.  The original story for this post is below. What to Wear to the Office Christmas Party to look professional, appropriate, and festively chic. Oh, how that old day to evening dress metaphor always gets us tripped up and, there's no bigger tripper-upper than the office holiday party. It is rather absurd to think that just because it's a festive gathering you should arrive at the office wearing a cocktail dress. On the other hand, if your office

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9-5 To Nighttime

9-5 To Nighttimeů How To Get 24-Hour Holiday Style How To Get 24-Hour Holiday Style Worse off, there's the lot that thinks "festive dress" means donning a sweater festooned with three-dimensional characters, glowing snowflakes, and Santa and his helpers leaping off their chest in a frenetic statement that screams, "I'm wearing this stupid sweater because I have no clue about style!" Not!!! All you need to do is add an element of formal to everyday clothing to master 24-hour holiday style. I've been inspired by something that Sarah Jessica Parker wore the other night as a panelist on The Art of Creation- rich red velvet blazer, white skinny t-shirt, black cigarette capris, and fabu heels. Basta! Clean tailored lines, simple

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