floppy hat

How to wear a floppy wide brim hat and not look like a pimp

Statement making BoHo wide brim hats have continued to be a major fashionista statement this season. It's a fashion trend that's just as tricky to pull off as the other biggie, faux fur vests, and can have as many, if not more, catastrophic style results. Not worn the right way, what is meant to look dramatic and chic ends up looking like the wearer is channeling a 70's gangster pimp character. Just look at KK and --albeit a favorite movie score-- force yourself not to hum a tune from Superfly. Ranging from wide brim, gaucho to BoHo floppy with portrait shape thrown in for good measure, there are a few basic style guidelines to consider when trying to pull off a wide brim hat

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Chelsea Clinton’s Incognito Hat

Chelsea Clinton is hiding under that hat! Now, you can hide like the former Prez's daughter Nope, that's not a walking mushroom! But, honestly, we cannot possibly blame her for trying to go VERY low profile. We all know by now, that the woman walking under the massive floppy hat was Chelsea Clinton on her way to the Vera Wang showroom for some final fittings on her wedding gown. However, we now know who the hat is by. The pr's over at Hat Attack have let us know that Chelsea's hat was from line's spring 2008 collection. Hat Attack offers a version of a raffia braid wide brim sunhat each summer. Now, you know! You can go undercover in some

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Felted by desire: Try a real hat

Sure a beret is cute. Try a Trilby, down turned fedora or floppy felt hat for some big time drama. There's a definite chill in the air. It's hard to chic when you're all bundled up. You really must treat yourself to something major-- in a big style rather than big ticket way. What about a big ol' serious felt hat? Sure we love a fluffy faux fur cossack hat. Who doesn't like a beret? Knit caps are cute and practical. But you crave drama, the drama of a statement making hat. Aqua Floppy Felt Hat with Patent Trim at Bloomingdale's. A fedora with a down brim. A smart Trilby. Or, that big floppy felt that we've been drooling over

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