Iconic Style: Lessons Learned From A Legend

Every woman who wants to stand out in a crowded market must discover her own way to become iconic.

From all my years of working as a fashion stylist, being with celebrities, and even spending an evening with Audrey Hepburn, the one thing that separates those with iconic star power and the rest of us is that “they” have honed in on what makes them so extra special.

Getting yourself OUT THERE for photos, video or stage can be intimidating.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you have a proven system to turn to whenever you want to put “IT’ on.

Fresh out of attending a Diana Ross concert, I realized that there are lessons learned from watching this legend perform that could really help you get your image NICE and TIGHT.

Watch my style lessons learned from a legend video and learn how you can become iconic:

You don’t need sequins and big hair if that’s not your thing, but you do need the CONFIDENCE that comes when you get your look put together in YOUR OWN special way for photos, for videos and for everything else.

Need extra support?

Check out my book, StyleWord: Fashion Quotes For Real Style  for simple motivational help to amplify your look. There’s even a complimentary Daily Style Planner too, get the softcover edition + bonus here or immediate edition here.

When you wake up knowing that you cannot spend another day second-guessing how you show up, I’ve got you covered.

The C’est Chic Crash Course is the proven stylist system where you will master the art of creating your own iconic style. By discovering your personal chic, you will not only think like a stylist, eliminate double, but actually find more things to wear in your closet without buying a thing just like course graduate Jan. Learn more about the style mentoring program, here.

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