Switch-A-Roo Time- My online business tools for email newsletters, web hosting, marketing + more…

A carrier pigeon would be less glitchy than what we were using.
A carrier pigeon would be less glitchy than what we were using.

I  frequently asked about what online business tools I use for web hosting & email newsletters, marketing, and more. FocusOnStyle.com has been online since 1999, so I’ve kissed A LOT of frogs, believe me.  As of this writing we are doing some major switches as we have outgrown what we are presently using and moving on. There are some MAJOR new and amazing things that will be offered down the pike. This is Phase One.

We’ve had a Rackspace dedicated server for a number of years and although their high level tech support is phenomenal, the dedicated server itself wasn’t what  worked for us any longer as we transferred to a less “bulky” CMS and concurrently needed a more scalable solution.

WEB HOSTING: We have now migrated to WPEngine and they are less expensive AND have a 60-day free trial… can I say, way-to-go!

EMAIL NEWSLETTERS: Our weekly RSS to Newsletter email-marketing was hosted on Mailchimp. Although their monkey is adorable and served us well for a while, it just wasn’t fast enough, robust enough, and on the mark for our autoresponder, date scheduling, and customer service reply needs. We’ve made the switch to aWeber, and they are totally on the customer service response ball, all well as allowing us to segment our list. Oh, yeah, our aWeber plan is cheaper too than our Mailchimp plan and have telephone tech support. Ca-ching!

ONLINE MEETINGS, WEBINARS, TELESEMINARS:  I’m expanding ways to deliver style mentoring in a more personal setting than only a web site. MeetingBurner offers just.

Do you need a great way to CREATE MARKETING SITES with landing pages + membership areas? Optimize Press has a spiffy new design & intense in a very good way. Check it out!

SHAMELESS PLUG: Have you joined my newsletter? You get a FREE download of Passport to French Chic, plus I share things with my subscribers that I don’t online.




aWeber also has really cool email marketing tips…



If you see any glitches as we try to smooth sail ahead please let me know.

Note: some of these links are affiliated

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