How To Be A Badass In Your Business [Video]

how to be a badass in your business

Breaking News: Being A Badass Is For Business Babes Too!

Yeah, So How Does Being A ‘Badass’ Apply To Your Business?

Honestly, I didn’t like the term at first.

‘Badassery’ didn’t seem to apply to me at all. But then I realized – it’s not just about riding a motorcycle and getting the tattoos. Badassery means something totally different in your business.

Go out and take chances. In today’s market you’ve gotta be authentic, real, consistent, on brand and on point in your message. You need to create that magnetic kind of bond with your audience.

It’s All About Risk-Taking. Here’s The Breakdown:


How Does Being A ‘Badass’ Apply To Your Business?

It’s not just about riding a motorcycle and getting the tattoos.

Badassery means something totally different in your business.

⭐️Go here to learn more:

Posted by Sharon Haver – on Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Let Go Of The Ordinary…

The moment you step INTO being staged, phony or dated you lose out on another connection. Don’t stick with what used to work – you need to be a risk taker, grab at those new chance- be a badass.

RELATED: How Confident Women Over 40, 50, 60 Get Their Goals

Today’s market is totally different so your methods have to be different too! The more you hold back, and hold onto all those old tactics the further behind you’ll get.

You can do it. Be a little bit of a badass. Be someone who’s READY to go out there and confidently show up as your business and brand in whatever you do.

Know The Market…

There are tons of marketing tools out there, and they’re great! BUT in today’s market, your visual image is the gateway for your audience to want your expertise. Authentic visual storytelling is paramount and imperative to really have a brand that speaks out!

Get ready to go out there in your most authentic way – no more being stuck, no more losing confidence. Stand tall, stand proud! Be your own personal kind of badass in your expertise.

What Are You Waiting For?

It’s your time to take it to the next level and adding that authenticity to your visual message.  I’ll give you the tools to show up in your photos and take that step into badassery! Join me at!

Video Transcription

click to read full transcription

Hello, hello, hello from
my cross country track.

Can you see the mountains behind it?

Maybe I should stand this way.

I was gonna, you know [mumbles]
it seem to have been a lot
of moose out last night,

you see all the tracks?

See all the tracks?

Those are critter tracks,
probably moose tracks.

So, anyway, I’ve just been out for a run.

I don’t even know if this
is the smartest thing to do

right now because I’m so
cold I can barely talk,

I probably have snot
dripping out of my nose,

but if I do, excuse me
and if I don’t well,

maybe it makes sense for today’s topic

and that is bad assery.

Now it’s not a word that is
my favorite words these days,

I kind of think it’s kind
of overused like diva

is another word that drives
me up the wall these days

and badass ’cause I kind of
am old school in that stuff

and to me a diva was either
a royal pain in the butt

or a fabulous drag queen.

So, either one way or the other,

but today diva kind of
means something else.

And to me badass meant
like one of my punk friends

or someone who was like
in a motorcycle gang

but right now we have
our own different badass

and it kind of just means
more about taking chances.

So, since I’m wearing
my skull scarf today,

I thought it would be a good
idea to talk about badassery

and how it relates to you in showing up

and standing out in your business.

If you want some more tips
about how to stand out

in today’s very crowded market

where you know your
expertise is not enough,

I encourage you to go over

and join me over there, you’ll
see and you can learn more

at Authentic Superstar
and won’t cost you a dime

but will get you loads ahead.

But anyway, back to what
badassery means in your business

what I’m gonna do now
is, I got my ski poles,

I’m going to try to
hold this on my ski pole

so my arm doesn’t hurt as much,

to try to get you a Teton behind me, here.

Now, I’m going to be in
the most twisted position

but I got you some good
mountain view, right.

So, anyway what does badass
mean to you in your business,

in your own terms, not
necessarily like I said before

like the old punk, motorcycle
gang, kind of badass

but just go on out and taking chances

because you know right
now in today’s market

you gotta be authentic, you gotta be real,

you gotta be consistent
and on brand and on point

in your message to create
that magnetic kind of bond

with your audience and
the more you step back

in something that’s very
staged or very phony

or very dated, you’re losing
out on just another connection.

So, it’s kind of like you’re
sticking to what worked for you

maybe two years ago or five years ago

and you’re trying to
use it in today’s market

is not gonna work and the
more you hold back on it,

the more you stick to it and
the more you never give up

on it is the further further
back you’re gonna get.

So, you gotta learn to be
a little bit of a badass

or a risk taker or just
someone who’s ready

to go out there and confidently show up

as your business, as your
brand in whatever you do.

Particularly, particularly with
your visual image right now.

An authentic visual story telling is just,

it’s paramount, it’s
imperative to really have

a brand that speaks out.

So, all that other marketing
stuff is fantastic,

it’s just great, I’m not giving up on it.

And my degree’s actually in marketing

and I’ve been in this world
for a long, long time,

but taking it to the next level

and really adding authenticity
to it in what is now,

I was a writer, I had a syndicated column

that went out to 400 papers.

I still write posts and focus on style

and what happens is my
writing, as much as I love it,

is actually taking a second
seat to what people see first

and that is in the one tenth of a second

that people judge you
online when they see you.

So, soon as they see a photo of you,

they’re gonna decide if
they’re gonna ready the copy.

Right, so you want to make
sure that your photos,

that your videos are all on brand,

on top of what you’re
trying to do, relevant,

and that you’re ready to go out there

in your most authentic
way and you’re not stuck

and you’re not confident
and looking unassured

and asking all these questions,
can I do this, can I do…

You’re just, whatever you’re
saying, you’re standing tall,

you’re standing proud
and you’re being your own

personal kind of badass.

So, anyway I hope this helps
and I’m going to go back in,

I gotta ski back, we’re
meeting my family in a bit

and then we’re meeting some friends

and we’re going to one
of our favorite spots

on the top of the mountain.

So, I’ll try to come
in from there if I can.

If there’s still light
out I will definitely

come in from there.

So, anyway, I encourage you to go over

join me over there,

please right now, everything
you need

and also to turn on your notifications

if you find this interesting

so you know the next time
I’m gonna go on live, right?

And if you find this interesting,

share it with a friend too.

So, I hope you enjoy this as
much as I enjoy making them

for you, taking your on my little journey,

isn’t that pretty?

It’s the back end of the
Grand Teton Mountains.

So, anyway, hope that helps you guys.

See you soon, let me see if
I can end with the mountain.

Okay, take care, bye bye.


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