Time for new photos? Hear what Gary Vaynerchuk thinks about personal branding photo shoots…

Wondering about a personal branding shoot? I asked Gary Vaynerchuk what he thought about them…⁠

“It’s one big game of insecurity. People are not willing to be themselves.”⁠

There you go. Case closed.⁠

Consider this a Public Service Announcement so you don’t get overwhelmed with some fancy-schamcy branding shoot that only dilutes the real you from from the people you want to attract and do business with.⁠

Earlier, Gary said that you can “call personal branding reputation, same 💩”⁠

Think about it.⁠

That’s all I got… watch the video.⁠… it could be the most important 39 seconds you’ll see today.

Thoughts from Gary Vaynerchuk who is probably the King of All Social Media. Love him for cutting through the crud.⁠

Listen up: If you need help humanizing your brand by being you, get your tush over to AuthenticSuperstar.com. The 5-day challenge is free now… because I believe it is that important for you.⁠

Bottom line, it’s all about being confident in who you are.⁠

How would you like to be seen?⁠

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