Marketing Style: What’s Your Marketing Love Language?


Everyone has their own unique marketing style, but knowing what to say online to get your message out there can be a challenge at times. Everyone wants to get the message across in the best way.

Communication these days has certainly taken a deviation from the norm. 

As we are masked up, most of our emotion is coming from our eyes (I’m smiling- I swear. You can tell from the bags under my eyes!).

I have no scientific proof beyond a strong observational opinion that our PATIENCE is tried in almost every area.

So- now more than ever— when reading marketing copy, the more cumbersome it is to get to the point, the less inclined people are to read it.

Three of the MOST ANNOYING copy styles are:

Here are a couple marketing styles that should be avoided to make sure your message is clear…

01. Generic copy with zero personality

Probably outsourced to an oversees copywriter or a VA with 29 clients. It gets the message out but with no authentic bond to give you a reason to emotionally connect.

02. Flowery Dense Copy

Use plain language that gets to the freaking point fast. The more your copy is like a poetry club submission, the more difficult it is for someone to figure out what you mean, and the less they care to find out.

03. Bro Copy

“Yo dude I got this rented Lambo, a banging’ babe, and a keg of rare variety waiting to be consumed as I make my next milly today.”

Not only is it obnoxious, it’s probably a lot of bs, because those that really have are too busy enjoying it to brag. So unless you’re appealing to over-aged frat boys, take down the braggadociois hyperbole a few levels.

So what works?

Being authentically you in the most conversational way possible, wins every time! People want to know who you are before the know, like and trust bond can be built. 

If you are hiding behind your status, generic or pretentious copy, you are putting a wall up between you are your ideal people.

Take a risk, put yourself out there and show the ultimate marketing style — authenticity!

For tips on presenting yourself in an authentic way online, go over to

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