Casual outfit for a business conference doesn’t have to be confusing

So many women get confused about finding an outfit to wear to a casual business conference so wanted to share a quick style tip on my way to a mastermind in Miami.

13 hour days go by so quickly when you’re learning and surrounding yourself with A-list peers. If you really want to scale, it’s critical that you invest in your professional development.

No man is an island.

The more you learn, the more you grow, the more you connect with those who root for you and guide you to your next target. I was here to really deep dive about traffic and social media advertising.

But what do you wear?

How you show up not only boosts your personal self-esteem so you feel better about yourself and are more present but it also boosts the perception of you by others.

So about this hotel room outfit selfie.

As an entrepreneur, coach, consultant or face of your brand it’s also critical to invest in how you show up- even on jeans days.

Potential clients, your tribe and bigger opportunities want to look up to you.

You need to be perceived as aspirational yet relatable to be believable in your expertise.

Too often, business peeps think they can snuff off their style.

It’s a disservice since no one will believe your expertise if you look dated or schlumpy.

Non-ripped jeans (unless that’s the style), a more classic blouse rather than a t-shirt, and fix your hair and makeup to up level the casual look. It’s all you really need as a base.

If you want to go fancier, that’s fine. But when you dress down keep it upscale rather than super casual.

Invest in a few good classic pieces – my jacket is already a couple of years old.  They’ll serve you well- both in self- esteem and how you are perceived.

If you need style motivation– my best seller book StyleWord: Fashion Quotes For Real Style is available on Amazon.

You don’t have to wait for it to be shipped, download it now and get the free Bonus Daily Planner right away too. All you need to do is go, here.

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